Thursday, April 18, 2002

I have been trying to Post & Publish on Blogger, is that not acceptable anymore?
Have you ever been asked "What do You do For a Living" and you start to speak and see their body language know...eyeballs roll to the back of their head...or they start looking around?

Wouldn't you LIKE to have them react OH, really, how does that work? Or Tell me more?

All you have to do is come up with a Good "I show people how" line to create that.

Think of what you do for people and what they are getting from you...and share that!

Some of my examples are:

I show people How to Fire their Boss!
I show people how to get an extra $300 per month from their paycheck without talking to their boss.
I show people how to have an extra paycheck in their mailbox each month.
I show housewifes how to earn larger incomes than their working husbands!
I help people smash the 40 year retirement myth in 4 years!

When you want to create a relationship in business, it can be hard to transition from a getting to know who you getting to what you'd like to discover for your business. The best way is to always ask questions and the easiest question to create conversation toward a subject you need to learn about is:

What is (or are) your 2 biggest _________problems?

The blank can represent career, business, family, money, time. If you offer a product it might represent the benefits of your product or what that product can help with.